The Health Trail Book
Available on Amazon Kindle Available on Amazon Kindle

The Health Trail is available as a Paperback or Ebook (PDF, Amazon Kindle, EPUB, and HTML)

by Pure Truth Publications. Paperback ISBN: 9780999236048, Ebook ISBN: 9780999236055.

“★★★★★ Powerful!”

“★★★★★ Very insightful and quite thorough regarding motivation.”

“★★★★★ I strongly recommend everyone to read this book.”

The Health Trail

A motivational story for weight loss unlike you’ve ever heard.

Take an adventure and follow the relatable highs and lows of the life of an overweight teenager who feels stuck in his weight loss journey. Just when he nearly gives up all hope, he meets a mysterious old man who guides him through a series of life-changing hikes in Oregon. As he faces devastating hardships and challenges along the way, he learns more about himself, health, life, faith, and the potential to accomplish things he never dreamed possible.

This unique motivational story discusses the part of weight loss that most books overlook— how to actually do it. Learn how to harness the motivation to change and what steps to take to actually lose weight and get your health and freedom back!

Christian / Young Adult / Non-fiction / Self-help / Motivation

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"For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal,
declares the Lord..." - Jeremiah 30:17

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